Job Creators Network Sends Letter to House Leadership in Support of Prove It Act of 2024
Alfredo Ortiz, CEO of Job Creators Network, sent a letter to the House Judiciary Committee leadership to coincide with its mark-up of the Prove It Act of 2024. Read the letter here. JCN activated its grassroots supporters to send 10,000 letters to Congress in support of this legislation. He also released the following statement:
“On behalf of the nation’s 33 million small businesses, Job Creators Network urges the Committee to pass this bipartisan legislation that would ensure federal agencies conduct meaningful reviews of the burden proposed rules would have on small business and hold them accountable if they do not. Small business owners are disproportionately negatively impacted by regulation as compared to big businesses. The Prove It Act can level the playing field. By reducing regulations on small businesses, this legislation fulfills a key pillar of JCN’s American Small Business Prosperity Plan, an eight-point policy playbook to get the economy working for everyone again.”