Press ReleaseMarch 18, 2020

Job Creators Network Supports Johnson Amendment to Coronavirus Relief Bill

Washington, DC (March 18, 2020)— Today, the Job Creators Network came out in support of a new development that will further assist small businesses as they struggle to navigate through the current coronavirus crisis. The amendment proposed by Senators Johnson, Lee, Toomey, Sasse, and Scott creates more flexibility for those in need. It calls for a very generous fourteen-week unemployment insurance for people who are sick with Covid-19, caring for sick family, caring for kids home from school, furloughed workers, and those who lose their jobs.

Alfredo Ortiz, President and CEO of JCN released the following statement:

“This is a critical moment for small business. If all encompassing and dramatic measures are not taken, many small businesses will be forced to furlough more workers, and some will be left with no choice but to close their doors. The Johnson Amendment provides an efficient, effective and immediate solution to the current stark circumstances facing small businesses, and will help lay the ground work for a post-virus Main Street Economic Recovery. Job Creators Network fully supports the Johnson Amendment and urges the Senate to pass the Amendment immediately.”