What Small Businesses Want to Hear from GOP Presidential Primary Debaters
Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of Job Creators Network, released the following statement on what small business owners want to hear from the Republican presidential primary candidates at tonight’s debate:
“According to JCNF’s latest SBIQ poll, American small business sentiment is at the lowest level since President Biden took office. American small business owners desperately want to hear from GOP presidential primary candidates how they plan to fight back against Bidenomics, Bidenflation, and high crime that are causing so much pain to entrepreneurs and ordinary people. Small businesses particularly want to hear the debaters bring up policy solutions such as those in JCN’s American Small Business Prosperity Plan, including cutting inflationary spending, exempting small businesses from new regulations, making the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act permanent, and encouraging domestic energy production. These pro-growth policies can reinvigorate the American small business community and the economy as a whole. They have far more actual impact on the lives of ordinary Americans than the latest in the culture wars, and the GOP debaters should take time to address them.”
Alfredo Ortiz recently had an op-ed in The Hill on what small businesses want from the GOP candidates. Read it HERE.