Job Creators Network Supports House Legislation That Would Help Shield Small Businesses from Executive Overreach
Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of Job Creators Network, released the following statement in support of Representatives Brad Finstad and Yadira Caraveo’s introduction of the “Prove It Act,” which would help protect small businesses from government overreach:
“Job Creators Network applauds Representatives Finstad and Caraveo for introducing this legislation that would provide needed relief to small businesses contending with overregulation. Their bill would protect small businesses from executive overreach by finally meaningfully holding government bureaucrats accountable for not considering the small business impact of new regulations before they are imposed. And it would empower small businesses and their defenders to challenge certifications claiming proposed rules don’t significantly impact small businesses. Representatives Finstad and Caraveo’s legislation would fulfill a key pillar of Job Creators Network’s American Small Business Prosperity Plan by reducing the regulatory burden on small businesses.”