Press ReleaseFebruary 5, 2020

Job Creators Network: State of the Union Showcases Trump’s Economic Success

Washington, DC – (February 4, 2020) — Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of the Job Creators Network, issued the following statement about President Trump’s State of the Union address:

“The state of small business is stronger than ever, thanks to President Trump’s economic leadership. Three years of pro-growth policies have created a true ‘blue collar boom,’ with wages continually growing around 3 percent per year, nearly 50 percent faster than under President Obama. Wages for blue collar employees are rising at an even faster rate, and wages for the lowest 10 percent of workers are growing twice as fast.  African-American and Hispanic-American unemployment are at their lowest levels ever recorded. None of this is an accident, and the American people recognize that.  Just today, Gallup released a poll showing that 63 percent of Americans approve of President Trump’s handling of the economy – the highest rating for any President since 2001.  The President and his administration have a lot to be proud of. Americans should ask themselves the question, ‘Are you better off today than you were four years ago?’  The answer is clear: ‘Yes.'”