Press ReleaseApril 25, 2023

Job Creators Network Reacts to President Biden’s Reelection Announcement

Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of Job Creators Network, released the following statement on President Biden’s reelection announcement today:

“President Biden knows 70% of Americans don’t want him to run for reelection, so he is desperately trying to fearmonger to boost his support, painting conservatives as book-banning, vote-suppressing radicals. That’s ridiculous, and Americans know it. Biden portrays himself as a uniting, moderate president, but in reality, he is a divisive puppet of the progressive left. His economic agenda has resulted in twenty-four straight months of declining real wages and living standards. Americans workers can’t afford anymore of this.”

JCN put up a billboard in Times Square today calling out Biden’s dysfunctional economic performance.