Job Creators Network Endorses House GOP “Commitment to America”
Washington, DC (September 23, 2022) – Today, House Republicans rolled out the “Commitment to America,” a policy agenda they would follow if they retake House control after the midterm elections. On Wednesday, Job Creators Network (JCN) and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich launched the “American Small Business Prosperity Plan,” a pro-growth economic agenda that congressional candidates can sign with the goal of enacting in the next Congress.
JCN President and CEO Alfredo Ortiz released the following statement:
“Job Creators Network supports the House Republicans’ ‘Commitment to America.’ ‘An economy that is strong,’ is the first plank in the ‘Commitment’ and rightfully so. Small businesses have been disproportionally hurt by the economic climate of the past two and a half years, including a pandemic and near-record inflation. The ‘Commitment to America’ will revitalize small businesses by enacting pro-growth tax policies, reversing policies that are keeping Americans out of the labor force, ending the inflationary ‘Inflation Reduction Act,’ and increasing domestic energy production to lower gas prices. This week, JCN unveiled an ‘American Small Business Prosperity Plan’ with New Gingrich that builds on this approach, catered to the unique needs of small businesses. We are urging every congressional candidate to sign it. ‘The Commitment to America’ and the ‘American Small Business Prosperity Plan’ will be an outstanding package for America’s economic recovery, led by small businesses. We thank Leader McCarthy for making the ‘Commitment’ happen and we look forward to continuing working closely with him and all the House Members who are rallying around it.”
On Wednesday, JCN launched the “American Small Business Prosperity Plan” at a Capitol Hill Club press conference hosted by Mr. Ortiz. Speakers included Mr. Gingrich, small business owners, and congressional candidates.
On Wednesday, published an op-ed by Mr. Ortiz and Mr. Gingrich, America’s small businesses need help. Here are 8 commonsense solutions our political leaders should embrace. To read it, click here.
To read the “American Small Business Prosperity Plan,” click here.