Job Creators Network: Democratic Debate was “Socialism on Steroids”
Washington, DC (June 27, 2019) – Wednesday night, ten Democrats running for President squared off in the first debate of the 2020 campaign.
Alfredo Ortiz, President and CEO of the Job Creators Network (JCN) released the following statement.
Elizabeth Warren and Bill DeBlasio want to take away private health insurance for millions of Americans, many of them small business owners and workers. Such a policy along with calls last night for high taxes and mass government regulations would be destructive to small business, job creators and workers. Our economy is humming right now, unemployment for women, Hispanics and African Americans is at an all time low. It is working for the American people. The policy ideas put forward by Democrats last night are old, outdated and have been tried and failed. They would be a major blow to jobs, small businesses and American workers. Socialism takes, capitalism creates and what we witnessed last night was socialism on steroids.