Press ReleaseApril 24, 2020

Job Creators Network Applauds President Trump for Signing $311 Billion PPP Extension

Washington, DC – (April 24, 2020) — Today, President Trump signed into law a $484 billion pandemic relief package, which includes $311 billion in new funding for the Payroll Protection Program (PPP).

Alfredo Ortiz, President and CEO of the Job Creators Networkreleased the following statement:

“Job Creators Network would like to thank President Trump for signing into law the legislation that refills the vital small-business loan fund called the Paycheck Protection Program. Small businesses have been devastated by the pandemic. PPP is giving them a lifeline that will allow them to come back stronger than ever.

The law puts business on track to move to the next phase of recovery. Soon, we will gradually return to a new normal. That process must be done safely and carefully, following the guidelines laid out by President Trump. But it must be done. JCN urges government officials to listen to industry experts as we begin to open for business around the country.”