Job Creators Network Applauds Plan for Reforming Government
Washington, DC (June 21, 2018) – The President’s plan to shrink and streamline the sprawling federal bureaucracy is long overdue, said the Job Creators Network today.
“This is what we expect from a President who is also a businessman, and we fully support the effort,” said JCN President and CEO Alfredo Ortiz. “Dealing with the federal government is one of the biggest frustrations and expenses for small business owners. There is too much duplication and waste, too much overlap between agencies, and too many competing authorities. The best way to reduce unnecessary red tape is to reduce the size and complexity of the federal government.”
The administration is expected to announce a plan later today that would start the process of reforming the federal bureaucracy. It plans to work with stakeholders across the country, including small businesses, to consolidate programs and agencies in order to reduce costs and improve the way the federal government serves Americans.
“Every business has to change, adapt, and streamline in order to remain competitive and serve their customers. The government should operate the same way,” said Ortiz. “We’re looking forward to seeing more details and working with the administration and Congress on bringing the federal bureaucracy into the 21st Century.”
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