Elaine Parker, President of the Job Creators Network Foundation, Chief Communications Officer of the Job Creators Network

Elaine is a seasoned communications professional and former small businesswoman. Prior to leading Job Creators Network, she co-owned a Goodyear dealership where she navigated all the typical hurdles thrown in an entrepreneur’s way, including rising labor costs, taxes, and government red tape. Before that, she worked as a Public Relations Manager at Chrysler. This experience provides the perfect background to lead one of the country’s predominant small business groups.
In her roles with the Job Creators Network and the Job Creators Network Foundation, she is a frequent guest on nationally syndicated radio shows—including the Mike Gallagher Show and John Fredericks’ Radio Program—and is often seen on Fox News and Sinclair Broadcasting.
Elaine is also the co-host of the Main Street Matters podcast, which explores the intersection of small business advocacy and public policy. Her writings have appeared in FoxNews.com, Washington Examiner, Los Angeles Daily News, RealClear Policy, Townhall, The Hill, The Orange County Register, and other national publications.
Elaine uses her experience to educate others on some of the most important aspects of the American government and economy. Elaine manages the JCN media program and communications war-room, bus tours, marketing, as well as advertising and advocacy campaigns. In her role with the foundation, Elaine oversees their communication campaigns, as well as the JCNF Legal Action Fund.
Today, Elaine continues to educate the American public about the vital role that small businesses play in our economy, while also advocating for policies that will allow entrepreneurs across the country to grow and thrive.
Elaine is a graduate of the University of Central Florida, where she studied business administration.