The Dizzying Bureaucracy of the ACA
A flow chart produced by the Joint Economic Committee of the US Congress shows the hopelessly complex bureaucracy of ObamaCare and provides insight into why small business owners are struggling to comply.
The chart captures the massive expansion of government and the overwhelming complexity of new regulations and taxes, as well as $569 billion in higher taxes; $529 billion in cuts to Medicare; swelling of the ranks of Medicaid by 16 million people; and 17 major insurance mandates.
The chart also notes the creation of two new bureaucracies with powers to impose future rationing: the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute and the Independent Payments Advisory Board.
“This portrays only about one third of the complexity of the final bill,” Committee Chairman Jack Brady (R-TX) said. “It’s actually worse than this.”
In fact, the Chairman is right: ObamaCare as it has rolled out is worse than the business community expected, leaving small business owners scrambling to understand new regulations and pay significantly increased costs.