White House Punts Again on Employer Mandate
In recent months, the White House made a series of unilateral changes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) intended to soften its immediate impact. Implementation of the employer mandate – the penalty forcing businesses to offer health insurance or pay substantial fines – was set to begin in 2014, then pushed to 2015. The US Treasury Department delayed it again Monday, allowing businesses with 50 to 99 employees to comply in 2016. Larger businesses also gained a concession: a new, slower phase-in of the mandate.
“Business owners aren’t focused on the political nature of this announcement,” Luddy said. “We know the negative impact the new healthcare law is having on job creation and we’re concerned the measures the White House is delaying today will destroy just as many jobs in 2015 and beyond.”
“Instead of forcing business owners and the American people to endure even more changes, delays and fumbles, the business community wants congressional action,” Luddy said.