Press ReleaseFebruary 21, 2019

Weekly Pulse Polling: Only 13% of Americans Think the Amazon Pull Out is A Good Thing for New York

A strong majority think tax incentives are an appropriate tool for cities and states to attract business

Washington, DC (February 21, 2019) – While Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez encouraged and celebrated Amazon’s pull out from their planned New York headquarters, The Job Creators Network/ Weekly Pulse survey showed that only 13 percent of Americans thought the move was good for New York residents. In contrast, 49 percent of Americans thought it was bad for New York residents and 24 percent were unsure.

58 percent of Americans think that offering tax breaks and other financial incentives to attract companies is appropriate, with only 18 percent disagreeing and 24 percent being unsure.

“Americans agree that losing out on 25,000 new jobs and billions of dollars in economic activity is clearly not a victory for the people of New York,” said Elaine Parker, President of the Job Creators Network Foundation. “This economic drawback is proof that openly socialist and anti-business policies pursued by fringe politicians will have very real consequences for the country if they are implemented.”   

Other poll questions showed American optimism in the economy ticked upward compared to last week, with 52 percent of Americans rating the U.S. economy as either excellent or good and only 12 percent calling it poor. People are also positive about their personal finances. In fact, people were twice as likely to believe their personal finances are getting better, rather than worse.

Optimism about the economy continues to be strong,” said pollster Scott Rasmussen. “Both from a macro level as well as a personal one.”

Other polling questions this week included:

How would you rate the US economy today? Excellent (14%), Good (38%), Fair (32%), Poor (12%), Not sure (3%).

Is the economy getting better or worse? Better (33%), Worse (26%), About the same (34%), Not sure (7%).

Okay, how would you rate your own personal finances these days? Excellent (13%), Good (39%), Fair (31%), Poor (14%), Not sure (2%).

Are your personal finances getting better or worse? Better (32%), Worse (16%), About the same (49%), Not sure (3%).

Are companies in your area more likely to be hiring new workers or laying off existing workers? Hiring new workers (43%), Laying off existing workers (18%), Not sure (39%).

For historic data on these economic questions visit:

Download full crosstabs on all of this week’s questions:

This poll of 1,134 US adults was conducted Feb. 18-19, 2019. For more information about the Job Creators Network, please visit