Press ReleaseJune 20, 2019

Vast Majority of Americans Support Move to Expand Health Care Options Through HRA’s

While most Americans aren’t closely following recent news surrounding Health Reimbursement Accounts, 83% support the idea

Washington, D.C. (June 20, 2019)—On June 14th, the Trump administration expanded access to Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRA)—employer-based tax-free accounts that help employees cover medical expenses. This week’s Job Creators Network/ Weekly Pulse polling reveals how closely American’s are following health care news, as well as their opinion on HRA’s.

Our polling shows that 70 percent of Americans have not followed recent news surrounding HRA’s, however, even without following closely, when prompted with a question asking if they oppose or favor HRA’s, 83 percent of Americans were in favor.  

“The Trump Administration has estimated that access to Health Reimbursement Accounts will provide as many as 11 million American workers the ability to afford health plans that better fit their needs,” said Elaine Parker, President of Job Creators Network Foundation. “Small businesses struggle with the cost of providing healthcare to their employees, and the expansion of HRA’s will help to offset that cost.”

This week’s data also reveals that 69 percent of Americans agree that if an employer does not provide or can’t afford health insurance, employees should have the option to use HRA’s to purchase health coverage.

“Often times, small businesses only offer one insurance option due to the price of having more options, but HRA’s will provide the opportunity for employees to choose their plan from the individual market that better suits them,” said, pollster Scott Rasmussen. “Our polling showed that 60 percent of Americans find the ability to access multiple insurance options important, and HRA’s help make that happen.”

Economic polling questions are below:

How would you rate the U.S. economy today? Excellent (14%), Good (38%), Fair (33%), Poor (12%), Not sure (3%)

Is the economy getting better or worse? Better (34%), Worse (24%), About the same (35%), Not sure (7%)

Okay, how would you rate your own personal finances? Excellent (13%), Good (39%), Fair (31%), Poor (15%), Not sure (2%)

Are your personal finances getting better or worse? Better (31%), Worse 18%), About the same (47%), Not sure (3%)

Are companies in your area likely to be hiring new workers or laying off existing workers? Hiring new workers (50%), Laying off existing workers (16%), Not sure (34%)

For historic data on these economic questions visit:

Download full crosstabs of this week’s questions:

This poll of 1,095 US adults was conducted June 17-18, 2019. For more information about the Job Creators Network please visit