Small Business Investment Act Can Help Entrepreneurs Access Credit When They Need it Most
Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of Job Creators Network, released the following statement supporting Rep. David Kustoff’s Small Business Investment Act:
“The Small Business Investment Act can help entrepreneurs access credit at this time they need it most. The bill will dramatically increase private sector investment in American small businesses by rewarding investors for choosing to support the backbone of the American economy and communities across the nation. This bill couldn’t come at a better time. Across the country, small businesses are having difficulty accessing credit as a result of the Federal Reserve’s response to Bidenflation. According to JCN’s latest SBIQ poll, 59% of small businesses are concerned that bank failures/instability will negatively impact their business. This legislation can fill the gap and is in line with JCN’s American Small Business Prosperity Plan, an eight-point policy playbook, one pillar of which is increasing small business access to credit.”