Pelosi Agenda Threatens Best Small Business Climate in a Generation
As New Congress is Sworn in, A Warning from Small Business…
President and CEO of the Job Creators Network, Alfredo Ortiz released the following statement:
“With the Democratic Party taking control of the House today, small business owners are looking on in concern. Incoming Speaker Nancy Pelosi is advancing an agenda that threatens the best small business climate in a generation. She’s vowed to enact a $15 minimum wage, which would dramatically increase labor costs for many small businesses. She’s called for the repeal of the historic tax cuts, which includes a 20 percent small business tax deduction that most small business owners call a ‘game changer.’ She’s considering a socialized healthcare plan that will dramatically increase spending and require the largest tax increase in history. Republican lawmakers should make it their New Year’s resolution to avoid compromising on any of these proposals.”