Passage of the Fiscal Responsibility Act is Victory for Conservative Principles and Small Businesses
Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of Job Creators Network, released the following statement on tonight’s passage of the Fiscal Responsibility Act in the House of Representatives:
“The passage of the Fiscal Responsibility Act is a great victory for ordinary Americans and small businesses. The bill’s many conservative provisions will rein in the reckless spending driving Bidenflation, unleash American energy, reduce executive overreach, and establish work requirements for welfare. It enacts many provisions in Job Creators Network’s American Small Business Prosperity Plan.
“Legislators came together on a bipartisan basis and refused to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. This bill sets the stage for even more conservative reforms in the coming years and provides Americans with an alternative governing approach that prioritizes small businesses over big government. It shows how conservatives can govern even in a divided government and should be given complete control in 2024 to put our fiscal house in order. We encourage the Senate to pass this legislation quickly in a bipartisan fashion, so President Biden can sign it into law.”