New Ad: Small Businesses Have Eyes on Congress
Washington, D.C. (January 7, 2019)—The Job Creators Network (JCN)—a national small business advocacy organization—will be running a full-page ad in The Hill tomorrow warning the new 116th Congress that small business owners will be watching as they begin to propose and debate legislation.
The advertisement reads “We’re America’s Small Business Owners…And We’re Watching You.” View the full-page ad that’s running in The Hill here.
“There are over thirty-million small businesses in this country that employ nearly sixty-million people,” said Alfredo Ortiz, JCN President and CEO. “That group makes up a significant portion of congressional constituency and is disproportionately responsible for our country’s economic success. We want to let congress members know they’ll be held accountable by this group for the policy stances they end up supporting.”
As the Democrats take majority control in the U.S. House of Representatives, it’s likely policies such as a $15 minimum wage and expensive programs that require additional taxes like Medicare for All will be proposed. If implemented, these policies will have detrimental impacts on the small business community—raising the price of labor and increasing the tax burden.
“Policies that allow the government to expand their reach into private markets will end-up killing jobs and threatening the strong economic growth that we’ve experienced over the past two years,” continued Ortiz. “Small business owners, their employees and other allies who are benefiting from the economic boom should oppose these efforts at every turn. We need to hold Congress’ feet to the fire.”