Press ReleaseJuly 14, 2023

Job Creators Network Supports FY24 Labor, HHS, and Education Bill, Which Protects Independent Contractors and Franchisees

Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of Job Creators Network, released the following statement in support of the FY24 Labor, HHS, and Education bill being marked up today:
“Small businesses desperately need certainty over rules regarding independent contracting and franchising, which have long been tickets to the middle class yet are under attack by the Biden administration. This bill includes provisions preventing the administration from implementing anti-small business regulations on contractors and “joint employers” that would destroy the successful franchising and contracting business models. The bill also reduces reckless spending, which is needed to reduce the nation’s deficit and debt crises. This bill advances the provisions in the Job Creators Network’s American Small Business Prosperity Plan to lower wasteful government spending and give small businesses regulatory relief. All American small businesses should support it.