Job Creators Network Supports Farm Bill Work Requirements, Job Training Focus
Washington, DC (September 5, 2018) – The Job Creators Network today urged Senate and House negotiators to beef up work requirements and increase funding for job training programs as part of the final bill.
“With tax cuts for Main Street small businesses completed, finding qualified workers is the most serious problem facing small employers. We think those elements should be a major focus of the legislation,” said JCN President and CEO Alfredo Ortiz. “The economy is incredibly strong right now and there are more jobs available than there are people to fill them. We need to get workers off the sidelines and into the labor market with stronger incentives and better training.”
House and Senate conferees will meet later today to iron out the differences between their respective bills. The House bill contains strong work requirements for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, also known as food stamps. It also provides millions more for worker training.
“The best way to get people back into the workforce is to create the right incentives and make sure they have the skills to succeed,” said Ortiz. “Getting able-bodied people off of public assistance and into good jobs is better for them, better for employers, and better for taxpayers, and better for the economy.”