Job Creators Network Slams Kamala Harris’ Economic Policy as a Distraction and Demagoguery
Alfredo Ortiz, CEO of Job Creators Network, released the following statement in response to Kamala Harris’ economic plan released Friday:
“Kamala’s belated and inch-deep foray into policy – after running a celebrity campaign the last month – shows how out of touch she is on the real issues facing Americans. Her anti-price gouging plans, which are a mere rehash of the Biden Administration’s efforts, misunderstand the true reason for the cost-of-living crisis facing Americans. As a recent Federal Reserve study confirms, business price gouging is not the reason for inflation. Markups have remained consistent, and wholesale inflation has risen in tandem with consumer price inflation.”
“Her approach is a distraction from the real problem and pure demagoguery in a desperate attempt to get votes. The reality is that inflation is wholly a result of the Biden-Harris administration’s reckless spending, including the $2 trillion Inflation Reduction Act that Harris cast the deciding vote on, and anti-energy regulations. The real solution to the Kamalaflation burdening ordinary Americans and small businesses is Donald Trump’s pro-growth and drill-baby-drill agenda.”