Job Creators Network Reacts to Super Tuesday
Washington, D.C. (March 3, 2020)— Today, 14 states, including California, Texas, and North Carolina, are holding contests for the Democratic presidential nomination. Better known as “Super Tuesday,” with about one-third of the total delegates at stake, it is the single biggest day of the nomination process.
Alfredo Ortiz, President and CEO of the Job Creators Network, released the following statement:
“The Democrats’ civil war continues, with Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden carrying the mantle for the socialist and ‘moderate’ wings, respectively. However, even if Sanders ultimately loses the nomination to Biden, you could argue this is really Sanders’ party now. Exit polls in the Super Tuesday states show most Democrats having a ‘favorable’ opinion of socialism, with ‘favorable’ beating ‘unfavorable’ 54%-33% in California and 57%-37% in Texas. While Biden portrays himself as more moderate than Sanders, in some ways, that makes him just as dangerous – because he can cloak his left-wing politics in a moderate guise. Both Biden and Sanders would be a catastrophe for America’s 90-million-strong small business community, killing millions of jobs and hurling our economy into recession. Such a tragedy would be all the more unnecessary since President Trump has already shown us the key to prosperity with his pro-growth policies. But this isn’t just about dollars and cents. This is all what kind of country we want to be, with capitalism being the foundation of our society; the very essence of what it means to be an American. The stakes for 2020 are getting higher by the day, and JCN will keep pushing the message that ‘Socialism takes, Capitalism creates.’”
On Wednesday, JCN will run an ad attacking the “public option” (watch the ad here). The “public option” is merely a “Trojan Horse” for “single-payer” healthcare, according to the ad, which quotes former Rep. Barney Frank as saying, “If we can get a good ‘public option,’ it could lead to ‘single-payer,’ and that’s the best way to reach ‘single payer.'” The ad will run on Fox Business in the Washington, DC market, including on Mornings with Maria, Varney & Co., and Lou Dobbs Tonight.