Job Creators Network Reacts to “Impressive” Jobs Report
Washington, DC (November 1, 2019) – Today, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced that 128,000 jobs were created in October, with the unemployment rate nudging upward to 3.6 percent. DOL also revised the jobs numbers for the past two months, reporting an additional 51,000 jobs created in August and an additional 44,000 jobs created in September.
Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of Job Creators Network, released the following statement.
“This was an impressive job report. Not only were 128,000 net jobs created in October, but the numbers for September and August were revised upward, by an additional 95,000 jobs over those two months. While the unemployment rate is slightly higher, that’s because wages are rising and more people are entering the workforce to fill the growing number of jobs. This is just the latest evidence that President Trump’s pro-growth policies are working, we’re enjoying the best economy in half-a-century, and America’s economy has plenty of room to run. The Fed’s decision this week to cut interest rates and its continued expansion of the balance sheet will further bolster our economy. Small businesses rely on low rates to borrow, expand, and create jobs, which is why JCN has been a strong advocate for rate cuts all year. Americans have plenty of reason to be optimistic, and we should bring that optimistic attitude to healthcare reform. Since Obamacare took effect, one out of three small businesses have been forced to drop health coverage for their employees because of rising costs. Obamacare is a disaster, and the Democrats’ ‘Medicare for All’ plan is Obamacare on steroids. The JCN Foundation’s ‘Healthcare for You‘ framework advances the patient-centered policies that most Americans want. We will continue advocating for ‘Healthcare for You’ and other pro-growth policies to keep America’s economy growing stronger.”