Job Creators Network Publishes Open Letter Urging Congress to Pass Tax Cuts
Washington, D.C.—Tomorrow, the Job Creators Network will join together with business, political, and industry leaders from across the country in an open letter pressuring Congress to pass significant tax cuts for small businesses and the middle class now. The two-page spread advertisement in The Hill is running tomorrow and is part of JCN’s multi-million dollar campaign that includes TV, radio, and print advertisements, as well as a nationwide bus tour and a tax cuts petition housed at
The letter is signed by over 60 organization heads and leaders—including JCN President and CEO, Alfredo Ortiz, former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Donohue, Former Senior Economic Adviser to the Trump Campaign, Stephen Moore, President of Americans for Tax Reform, Grover Norquist, and Honorary Chairman of Americans for Hope, Growth and Opportunity, Steve Forbes. Signers also include power players from the restaurant, hospitality, tourism, and construction industries, as well as leaders of other business and political advocacy groups.
View the full-page open letter in The Hill here.
Read the text of the open letter below:
For too long, American businesses of all sizes and hardworking Americans have been struggling under high federal tax rates—which for some small businesses can be as high as 40 percent. This burden is having a crippling effect on their ability to expand and contribute to economic growth.
According to a recent national poll of small business owners, a majority would use the savings from tax cuts to create more jobs, raise wages, and expand into new product fields and locations. This is what drives economic growth and tax cuts are necessary to spur this expansion.
Small business is the backbone of the economy with two-thirds of new jobs being created by small businesses. There are 29 million small businesses in America employing 56 million people— that’s 85 million Americans depending on the success of small business. It’s time to give them a break.
We urge you to support the Unified Framework for Fixing our Broken Tax Code, which we believe will provide a much-needed economic boost to American businesses and the hardworking employees that make their operations possible.
Let’s bring prosperity back to Main Street once again.
Alfredo Ortiz, JCN President and CEO, released the following statement:
The job creators have spoken and it’s time to answer their call. By uniting together in support of small business and middle class tax cuts, our political capital increases exponentially and amplifies our voice so Congress hears our message loud and clear. Our lawmakers must put party politics aside and rescue small businesses from the high federal tax rate they have been subject to for years. If accomplished, our nation’s small business entrepreneurs—who create two-thirds of all new jobs—can expand and extend the American Dream to so many more people. Tax Cuts is not a partisan issue. It’s a win-win policy everyone should get behind. Together, we can strengthen Main Street and the 29 million small businesses that make it up.