Job Creators Network Praises Bipartisan Congressional Budget Reform Act
Washington, DC (November 12, 2019) – Today the Job Creators Network praised Sens. Mike Enzi and David Perdue’s legislation, the Bipartisan Congressional Budget Reform Act, which recently passed the Senate Budget Committee.
Job Creators Network President Alfredo Ortiz released the following statement:
The Job Creators Network commends Sens. Mike Enzi and David Perdue’s efforts to pass bipartisan legislation to finally address the country’s skyrocketing deficit and debt, which threaten the country’s fiscal and economic future. The Bipartisan Congressional Budget Reform Act, which recently passed the Senate Budget Committee, would be the first significant budget reform in nearly a half-century. It would modernize the budget process to protect taxpayers from overspending, demand detailed spending and revenue plans to better inform budget development, and create a bipartisan framework to tackle the drivers of debt, including a debt-to-GDP ratio goal, which we have advocated for and support. The time to address the exploding national debt is now when the economy is booming thanks to President Trump and Congressional Republicans. Every day we wait will only make the nation’s inevitable fiscal day of reckoning more painful. JCN looks forward to working in a bipartisan fashion to elevate the importance of this issue over the political charades that currently dominate Washington.