Job Creators Network Joins President for 6-Month Anniversary of Tax Cuts
Washington, DC (June 29, 2018) – Job Creators Network President and CEO Alfredo Ortiz and two members of the organization, both small business owners, were on hand at the White House today for an event with President Donald J. Trump celebrating the 6-month anniversary of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
“It was an honor to join the President today to commemorate the most important piece of economic policy in decades, and we are especially proud of the Job Creators Network small business owners who were there to tell their stories,” said Ortiz.
Joining Ortiz was Guy Berkebile, a JCN member who runs Guy Chemical, a chemical manufacturer in Somerset, Pennsylvania, and Dina Rubio, owner of Don Ramon Restaurant, which specializes in Cuban cuisine, in West Palm Beach, Florida. (See theirs and other small business stories here.)
“Small business is the largest part of the economy, and that part of the economy is leading the fastest growth and job creation in decades,” said Ortiz. “None of that would have been possible without the tax cuts. Job Creators Network is proud to have played an important part in the passage of the law, and we are even prouder of the results.”
For more information about Job Creators Network, please visit