Job Creators Network Files Opposition to Biden Administration’s Request to Reimpose OSHA Vaccine Mandate
Washington, DC (November 23, 2021) – Today, Job Creators Network filed a brief asking the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals to reject the Biden Administration’s request to reimpose OSHA’s vaccine mandate. The brief argues that not only should the current stay of the mandate remain in place, but it should actually be expanded to make clear it applies to the entire Biden Administration, which insists on strong-arming compliance despite the stay. It reiterates the mandate’s many fatal flaws that are a sufficient basis to maintain the stay.
Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of Job Creators Network, released the following statement:
“The Biden Administration continues to ignore the Fifth Circuit’s decision to freeze the employer vaccine mandate due to numerous fatal flaws. The Administration has repeatedly bullied small businesses into complying with the mandate despite the court’s stay, and it is now asking the court to lift the freeze entirely. JCN is standing up for small businesses by filing the first opposition to this request, reiterating how the mandate’s numerous legal violations mean the freeze should continue. To stop government officials from continuing their attempts to strong-arm compliance among employers, JCN’s motion also requests the stay be expanded to all agents and officers of the Biden Administration. The court should swiftly reject the Administration’s latest executive overreach.”