Job Creators Network Calls on Missouri Sen. McCaskill to Support Tax Cuts
Washington, D.C.—Today, the Job Creators Network (JCN) highlights President Trump’s visit to Missouri to discuss the need for small business tax cuts and the economic benefits it will bring to all Americans. The president is also expected to call out Senator Claire McCaskill—whose state voted in favor of Trump in 2016—for not supporting the Senate’s tax bill.
Alfredo Ortiz, JCN President and CEO, released the following statement:
Senator McCaskill and other tax cut defectors need to put partisan politics aside and vote in favor of tax relief that will strengthen a vast majority of small businesses. In fact, the Senate bill will reduce the tax burden on 97 percent of small businesses—which earn less than $500,000 per year. Missouri is a state that voted overwhelmingly for the President’s tax cuts agenda. So McCaskill needs to put her constituents ahead of party loyalty and support tax relief for not only Missouri small businesses, but the American economy.