Job Creators Network Calls for Joe Biden to Pull His Latest Ad for False Advertising
Washington, DC (July 2, 2020) — Yesterday, Presidential candidate Joe Biden released an ad on Twitter which falsely claims that President Trump and his administration have “left behind” small businesses and states that Biden would be a “partner in the White House.”
Alfredo Ortiz, President and CEO of the Job Creators Network (JCN), released the following statement:
“JCN calls on the Biden campaign to pull this ad for false advertising. It ignores the success of the PPP, which has helped roughly five million small business owners, including the one featured in the ad itself. The fact that the Biden campaign couldn’t even find a small business owner who hadn’t received PPP funds demonstrates the incompetence of the Biden brand and just how expansive President Trump’s relief efforts have been. Any media outlet running this ad must include this disclaimer.”