Job Creators Network Applauds Senator Ernst for Spiking $15 Minimum Wage, Criticizes National Apprenticeship Act Being Voted On Today
Washington, D.C. (February 5, 2021)— Last night, the Senate adopted Sen. Joni Ernst’s amendment prohibiting a $15 federal minimum wage during a global pandemic. Today, the House of Representatives will vote on the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 (H.R. 447), which threatens job opportunities at the worst possible time.
Alfredo Ortiz, President and CEO of the Job Creators Network (JCN), released the following statement:
“We applaud Senator Joni Ernst for getting the Senate, especially Senate Democrats, to realize the irreparable harm that a $15 minimum wage would have on small businesses and their employees while the economy is so weak. We hope that Democrats take this time to look at alternatives to a $15 wage hike such as expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit, which is one of the most successful social programs in the country and enjoys wide bipartisan support. The EITC would help entry-level workers without putting small businesses at risk of closing down.
Congress should also oppose the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 (H.R. 447), which is being voted on in the House today. This bill puts the rights of union bosses ahead of workers. H.R. 447 would create more red tape and expand the government’s role in apprenticeship opportunities. This would not only hurt job creators –by giving them more restrictions, bureaucratic requirements to follow, and paperwork– but also everyday Americans trying to get back to work. JCN opposes H.R. 447 and urges Congress to vote “No” on this job eliminating proposal, especially now during a pandemic. As the lockdowns are lifted and more Americans get the Covid vaccine the economy will bounce back. Let’s make sure we don’t kill our small business community before we have a chance to get there.”
The Hill published Mr. Ortiz’s op-ed on EITC as an alternative to a minimum wage hike on February 1. Read it HERE.
Townhall published Mr. Ortiz’s op-ed on Amazon’s ulterior motives for pushing a $15 minimum wage on February 4. Read it HERE.