Job Creators Network Applauds Senate Passage of Banking Reform
Washington, DC (March 14, 2018) – Job Creators Network (JCN) issued the following statement today on behalf of CEO Alfredo Ortiz in response to the Senate’s passage of Senate Bill 2155, the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act:
“This is welcome news for community banks and the small businesses that rely on them for capital financing. Dodd-Frank has wiped out thousands of small banks and starved small businesses of the financing they need to grow.
“Dodd-Frank was sold as a way to reign in the massive Wall Street firms that trigged the worldwide financial meltdown. Most of those banks, which were supposedly ‘too big to fail,’ are bigger than ever. Meanwhile, community banks that have conservative lending standards and which didn’t cause the financial crisis are paying the price. They and their customers – Main Street businesses — are the victims of regulatory overkill.”
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