Job Creators Network Applauds Senate Economic Relief Package
Washington, DC (September 8, 2020) — Today, Senate Republicans are introducing a new targeted proposal to deliver coronavirus relief.
Alfredo Ortiz, President and CEO of the Job Creators Network (JCN), released the following statement:
“Senate Republicans demonstrated their strong leadership on Tuesday by introducing their Covid-19 stimulus bill that helps accelerate the economic recovery without bailing out bloated pensions of government bureaucrats. The GOP bill extends and expands the Paycheck Protection Program, one of the most effective government programs in history. The PPP has been a lifeline for over five million small businesses, saving more than 50 million jobs nationwide. Yet some small businesses, especially those in the retail and restaurant sectors, are still struggling due to the Covid-19 pandemic and associated government restrictions on business activity. The Republican bill will extend the bridge that these businesses need to get over this hurdle.
Congressional Democrats have called this bill dead on arrival, revealing that they are willing to hold small businesses hostage to try to extract concessions to reward their government union donors. But taxpayers in San Antonio shouldn’t be on the hook for the fiscal mismanagement of government bureaucrats in San Francisco. The GOP bill helps those who need it and protects taxpayer funds from those who don’t. Small businesses and all Americans should remember who has their best interests in mind on Election Day.”