The Department of Labor revealed the number of first-time unemployment claims was 744,000 last week.
“President Biden is escalating his war on small business, putting America’s recovery in doubt” said Alfredo Ortiz, President and CEO of the Job Creators Network (JCN). “The President’s support for moving the MLB All Star game out of Atlanta is symbolic of his agenda that puts woke Twitter activists first and puts small businesses last. On Wednesday, JCN sent a letter to MLB Commissioner Manfred pointing out that Georgia businesses will lose $100 million because of MLB’s catering to Biden and woke Democrats. That is outrageous, and MLB should immediately return the All Star game back to Atlanta. Additionally, the Biden Administration is planning $2.5 trillion in new taxes, including a 33 percent tax hike on small businesses structured as corporations. We’ve told the Biden Administration this is unacceptable by erecting a billboard in the heart of Times Square with the message ‘HELL NO! NOT ON OUR WATCH!’ With small businesses still struggling from the pandemic, this is the worst possible time for the largest tax hike in history. According to new data from Facebook, almost one-third of small businesses have reduced their workforces due to the pandemic and 51 percent of small businesses reported year-over-year sales declines in January. President Biden should learn from his predecessor and recognize that low tax rates and deregulation are the keys to our prosperity.”
Click here to read JCN’s letter to MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred demanding a reversal of his decision to move the All Star game from Atlanta to Denver.
Click here to view JCN’s 3-in-1 digital billboard in the heart of New York City’s Times Square highlighting three areas where President Biden is failing. The billboard cycles through three designs covering job loss, tax hikes and schools reopening.