Press ReleaseJuly 13, 2022

Democrats and Media Allies Are Desperate to Explain Away Growing Latino Support for Republicans

Washington, D.C.: New NYT/Siena College polling out today shows Latinos continue to drift away from the Democrat Party, which for the first time now receives more support from college-educated whites than non-white voters. CNN ran an op-ed today attempting to downplay this seismic political shift with the headline, “These GOP Latina candidates are not the ‘real deal.'” In response, Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of Job Creators Network, released the following statement: 

“Democrats and their media allies are desperate to explain away growing Latino support for Republicans. Instead of self-reflection about why Latinos are leaving their party, Democrats are resorting to smears and character assassinations. Rather than engaging with Latino concerns about the economy, crime, and radical cultural positions, Democrats are trying to keep the conversation on sideshows like January 6. Recent polling indicates Democrats are increasingly the party of the elite, and like all elites, they sneer at Americans who do not conform to their preconceived notions of what’s best for them. Watch for these rumbles to grow louder as Bidenflation and the recession drive more Latinos to the Great Opportunity Project (GOP).”