Americans Overwhelmingly Support School Choice
Washington, D.C. (July 25, 2019)—School’s out for the summer, but it’s always on the minds of American parents. New Weekly Pulse polling from the Job Creators Network/ reveals that 78 percent of Americans agree that parents should be able to decide what public school to send their child to.
Other findings include a majority of Americans—58 percent—support parents choosing to use public funding to pay for charter or private school tuition if a particular public school is not providing a quality education or safe learning environment. Additionally, in a question where respondents could select multiple answers, 44 percent of Americans blamed the high cost of college on schools hiring too many administrators and bureaucrats. Another 43 percent blamed rising tuition rates on schools adding fancy amenities and dorms.
“Americans want a better education system and they want more freedom when it comes to choosing which path their child will take,” said Elaine Parker, President of Job Creators Network Foundation. “Given these results, school choice should be a unifying issue for elected officials to focus on—plus it would have a positive impact for America’s children.”
This new data also shows that 51 percent of Americans rate the economy as either “excellent” or “good,” reflecting continued confidence in the country’s red-hot economy.
Pollster Scott Rasmussen commented, “Americans know that, right now, we have a great economy. Even the housing sector—which has certainly struggled in the past—saw a spot of good news yesterday when the Commerce Department announced that new home sales picked up in June. Increased economic optimism is helping bring about more economic good news.”
Economic polling questions are below:
How would you rate the U.S. economy today? Excellent (15%), Good (36%), Fair (32%), Poor (14%), Not sure (3%)
Is the economy getting better or worse? Better (34%), Worse (25%), About the same (35%), Not sure (6%)
Okay, how would you rate your own personal finances these days? Excellent (12%), Good (39%), Fair (32%), Poor (14%), Not sure (3%)
Are your personal finances getting better or worse? Better (32%), Worse (16%), About the same (49%), Not sure (3%)
Are companies in your area likely to be hiring new workers or laying off existing workers? Hiring new workers (46%), Laying off existing workers (19%), Not sure (35%)
For historic data on these economic questions visit:
Download full crosstabs of this week’s questions:
This poll of 1,099 US adults was conducted July 22-23, 2019. For more information about the Job Creators Network please visit