Press ReleaseMay 23, 2019

A Majority of Americans Rate the Economy as Good or Excellent

54 percent of respondents are positive about the economy and only 12 percent rate it as poor.

May 23, 2019 (Washington, DC) Job Creators Network/ Weekly Pulse polling shows that Americans continue to feel optimistic about the economy and their own personal finances.

Questions revealed:

Fifty-four percent of people believe the economy is in excellent or good shape, and fifty-one percent of people rate their own personal finances as excellent or good. Both numbers are at near-record highs since the Weekly Pulse’s inception almost a year ago.

“While some in Congress and the news media continue to bash policies like tax cuts and deregulation, saying they are simply handouts to the rich, this polling shows that a majority of Americans feel like this economy is working for them,” said Elaine Parker, President of the Job Creators Network Foundation.

People also continue to feel positive about job creation, with forty-six percent saying companies in their area are more likely to be hiring vs. seventeen percent who said they would be more likely to be laying off workers.

“It’s clear that Americans continue to feel good about the economy and their own finances, despite a news cycle that tends to highlight controversies over trade and other negative economic news,” said Scott Rasmussen, pollster.

According to our data, other questions revealed that forty six percent of people reported that businesses in their area are currently hiring new workers.

Full polling questions this week included:

How would you rate the U.S. economy today? Excellent (14%), Good (40%), Fair (30%), Poor (12%), Not Sure (4%).

Is the economy getting better or worse? Better (34%), Worse (24%), About the same (34%), Not sure (8%).

Okay, how would you rate your own personal finances these days? Excellent (11%), Good (40%), Fair (30%), Poor (16%), Not sure (3%).

Are your personal finances getting better or worse? Better (31%), Worse (15%), About the same (52%), Not sure (3%).

Are companies in your area more likely to be hiring new workers or laying off existing workers? Hiring new workers (46%), Laying off existing workers (17%), Not sure (37%).


For historic data on these economic questions visit:

Download full crosstabs on all this week’s questions:


This poll of 1,108 US adults was conducted May 20-21, 2019. For more information about the Job Creators Network, please visit