$20 Fast Food Minimum Wage in California Will Reduce Entry-Level Job Opportunities
Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of Job Creators Network, released the following statement in response to California’s labor board setting a $20 minimum wage for fast food workers:
“A $20 wage floor for fast food workers will reduce the number of entry-level job opportunities available to young Californians seeking entry-level work experience. It will only compound the pain caused by the $15 minimum wage, which has resulted in increased automation, fewer hours, and fewer workers per shift. Fast food franchises operate on razor-thin profit margins, and excessive labor costs will force some locations to close. Workers from all backgrounds need easily-accessible entry-level jobs to acquire the skills needed to Fight for $50, as in $ 50,000-a-year careers that allow them to raise a family and live the American Dream. Before they can get these good jobs, they need entry-level jobs, which this $20 wage floor threatens.”