Military Spouse Reciprocal Licensing Legislation Being Pursued

Being the spouse of someone in the military can be challenging. Not only are there safety concerns, but frequently moving around the country can generate some major difficulties for the family. One of the big challenges is spousal employment.
Many occupations—such as a dental hygienist or nurse—require special licensing from the state in order to practice. So when a family is forced to move across state lines, the qualification no longer applies and the spouse must settle for a job below their skill set and experience level.
Fortunately, state lawmakers are beginning to address this issue. Kentucky, Iowa and South Dakota have all recently passed legislation that would allow out-of-state licenses to apply in-state for military spouses. And Arizona passed a similar law that would broadly apply to anyone moving to the state.
Reciprocal licensing legislation on any level will help advance the economy. Not only are military spouses—or anyone else for that matter—better able to qualify for a good job, but businesses are able to more easily fill open positions. The Job Creators Network encourages other states to pursue similar legislation.