Don’t Take Away the Ladder to Success for Aspiring Minority Small Business Owners
The franchise business model has been the door to the American Dream for tens of thousands of Americans – among minorities in particular. That’s why we wanted to share this piece passed along to us from the Coalition to Save Local Businesses.
This is a wonderful first-hand account of the opportunity offered one family through franchising. And it’s a heartbreaking testament as to how a recommendation from the National Labor Relations Board could transform this family’s small business which impacts 450 families into big, regional companies instead:
By Djenane Bartholomew, The Washington Informer
“Every day my husband and I make decisions that affect the lives of 450 people and their families. It’s a lot of responsibility but above all a labor of love. It is all part of being local franchise owners and living our American dream. The franchise model has been a gateway for millions of people over the years to achieve small business ownership, many of them from racial or ethnic minority groups. It is important to not only preserve, but to strengthen this business model.”
Read more here.
Also, please check out our campaign to Defend Main Street from government overreach and sign up to tell the NLRB that its “joint-employer” recommendation is unacceptable.